Mallow Dental Care
Visits by prior appointment
To book an appointment or seek advice
Call: 022 21337 / 42018
Opening hours
Mon - Thur: 9am - 7pm
Friday: 9am - 5pm
Looking to increase your confidence in your smile?
Our cosmetic treatments include:
teeth whitening
tooth-coloured fillings
braces (see our braces page for more information)
implants (see our 'missing a tooth?' section for more information')
Teeth whitening
At Mallow Dental Care we offer you professional, safe, and
legal teeth whitening:
We use custom-made trays that fit your teeth comfortably.
Using a special gel (made by Colgate) placed in the trays and
worn for as little as 1/2 an hour a day, results can be seen
in as little as 5 days.
The beauty of this system is that you can maintain your
beautiful whiter smile by using
the gel for just one or two nights
every six months!
Cosmetic Dentistry can:
improve your smile
- shape or
- colour -
improve the health of your gums
improve your confidence
Veneers are made of wafer-thin porcelain, placed on the front of your teeth to create the smile you have always wanted.
At Mallow Dental Care, we can make veneers that will change the colour of your teeth or mask stained and discoloured teeth.
We can also use veneers to improve the shape of your teeth.
Tooth-coloured fillings
Your old amalgam (silver) fillings can be easily replaced with composite (white)
fillings for a near-invisible result.